August 24, 1987
ONE YEAR LATER... It was just a year ago that the safest airline
in the
worldwide history of civil aviation was shut- down. Why?
Surprisingly, an easy question to answer. But it would take a
long time
to lead someone
through the series of violent roller-coaster rides the Frontier
has been on in its incredible odyssey these past few years since
start of deregulation
Actually, just prior to deregulation Frontier was one of two
supportive of such a radical change to the air transportation
Al Feldman, then president of Frontier, along with Richard
Ferris (UAL)
wanted deregulation. Interestingly, Frank Lorenzo did not.
Things might be a lot different now had Al Feldman stayed with
Frontier. I certainly view that being better for both Al and
FAL. When
Big Al was C.E.O. at Frontier we went from being a troubled
carrier to
an incredible success story. At one point we led the nation in
profits. But Big Al left to run Continental, and Frontier's
Al Feldman's successor at Frontier was his Executive Vice
Glen Ryland.
Ryland came to Frontier from Aero- Jet General when Feldman was
on board.
After Feldman left, Ryland let the O'Neil family know he was
too. The O'Neils
offered Ryland the job along with an incredible package.
Ryland turned out to be an incompetent manager. He failed in so
ways it was
obvious to the most casual observer that Frontier would be
doomed if
corrections were not immediate. Ryland would not focus on the
and its future viability. Rather, he believed it would continue
operate as it had in the past and he could diversify into other
He formed a holding company and bought other business interests.
he decided Frontier did not need a feeder operation, so he sold
CV-580 fleet and began to run our little B-737's head to head
United and other larger carriers flying wide-body aircraft on
longer-haul routes. Our horrible ordeal was just beginning.
Once upon a time in 1982 some fellows went on a fishing trip to
Hole, Wyoming.
Dick Ferris, Bob Crandall, Frank Lorenzo and Glen Ryland were
only they did not
go fishin.'
What they did we learned sometime later, for in July, 1983
Horizon (an alter-ego airline) was formed. Then on September
23rd, 1983
Lorenzo put Continental into bankruptcy even though he had
$800,000,000.00 plus in the bank. United had a wonderful
along with Frontier to stop what would become the largest
airline in the
free world (Texas Air), but they didn't. Why?
The Frontier pilots offered to fly the Horizon aircraft at the
rates they were offering pilots off the street. Ryland turned us
We offered to fly the CV-580's on a separate contract sensing
the need
to retain our feeder operation and have a conduit for our
pilots. Again, we were turned down. Certainly, this couldn't be
a labor
busting tactic could it? Just because we are not paranoid
doesn't mean
they aren't out to get us! Right?
The Frontier pilots joined with other employee groups in a
We fought hard and we eventually were able to rid ourselves of
and this insidious Horizon thing. But at what cost?
Ryland hurt us in other areas too. The O'Neils had expressed
in divesting their ownership of Frontier. The O'Neils owned
around 12%
of GenCorp. Gen Corp wholly
owned RKO General. RKO owned 45.2% of Frontier.
Ryland attempted to personally capitalize on the O'Neil's desire
to sell
by making his own moves to gain control. It was the view of we
leaders that once Ryland gained control he would then liquidate
within. Morally bad, yet economically a good idea, as Frontier
was an
exceptionally strong company with an excellent asset/debt ratio.
We employee leaderss went to Gerry O'Neil who promptly canned
Ryland and
replaced him with Hank Lund. Lund's credentials were excellent
with the
exception he had been the
president of the Frontier Horizon horror. He had been with
and then with
Frontier many years before replacing Ryland. Regardless, Lund
endeared himself
to the Frontier family.
While the Frontier employees had begun their quest at gaining
control over their own destiny through development of an ESOP
little to
nothing was accomplished with Ryland. We were, however, able to
great progress with Lund's administration. O'Neil even
support initially.
We later learned what a swell guy O'Neil was. He wanted Hank
Lund to
posture Frontier
for liquidation. Lund refused and was fired. Lunds replacement
was Joe
(O'Gorman came from Aloha after being with Air Cal, United).
While Lund
had become
an excellent C.E.O. and had worked with the Coalition O'Gorman
had to
overcome a lot
before the employees would trust him.
O'Gorman put on the effort and developed a credible management
With the evelopment of the ESOP (the Frontier ESOP would have
been the
first airline to have
been totally owned by the employees), restructuring the airline
necessary. O'Neil had sold 25 B-737's to United along with the
Horizon B-727's and our 5 MD-80's. We had to replace these
aircraft in
order to survive.
Frank Lorenzo was buzzing around and O'Neil was considering his
We employees
were burning the midnight oil working on every means to thwart
Lorenzo threat.
This was happening at a time when our "brothers" at United went
strike. Here was our proud little airline crashing down about
us - 35
aircraft gone to United - United Pilots on strike - and Dick
inviting the Frontier pilots to cross the line for $75,000/year
Captains, $50,000/year for First Officers.
There were over 200 United pilots who crossed the strike line
initially. More than 300 UAL pilots earned the name "scab"
before the
29 day strike ended.
3 Frontier pilots broke ranks. Only three Frontier Pilots (2
and one First Officer) became strike breakers at a time many of
Frontier pilots were certain Frontier couldn't survive the
Not only did the Frontier family walk tall they kept the
safety record intact despite the tremendous pressure born out of
terrible uncertainty they and their family's lived with daily.
Ferris was having trouble training replacement pilots. O'Gorman
requested our approval
to use the Boeing 737 simulator as Frontier would get a bonus
rate. We
threatened ol' Joe with bodily harm if he accepted. We were
committed to the United pilots strike. To Joe's credit he did
not push
the simulator proposal.
Our ESOP was approved by the Frontier Board. We employees paid
a dear
price to fight
off Mr. Lorenzo. However, we then believed we soon would
control our
Lorenzo had become enamoured with TWA. He and Carl Ican went
head-to-head. Ican
was the victor, but it cost the Frontier folks dearly. Lorenzo
back to the Frontier deal days before shareholder approval of
our ESOP.
Lorenzo's offer was too rich for the employees to out bid.
What would I be writing about today if only ol' Carl had kept
Frank busy a bit longer? We looked everywhere for a white hat.
While we felt our ESOP would be successful because O'Gorman had
worked a
deal with
Bob Crandall and American Airlines through an alliance, we would
need a
buyer willing to
out bid Lorenzo.
Crandall was interested. O'Gorman sent Vice-Chairman Doug Bader
myself to DFW
for a 3 hour meeting with the Allied pilots. The purpose of
meeting was to see if the APA pilots would help bring a group of
pilots on board with American. The meeting lasted nearly all
night. It
was a positive meeting. Hank Duffy, ALPA president, called from
IFALPA conference in Sweden saying he would roll out the red
carpet if
the Frontier pilots wanted to go with American.
The next day, a Saturday, Doug and I boarded an American 727 for
with good
feelings about our meeting. We met Mr. and Mrs. Bob Crandall on
who were
traveling to Denver for a retirement party for some American
Crandall sitting next to us across the isle, leaned over and
said: "you
know we have to have this deal done by Tuesday don't you?" I
replied:"Yes sir! We had a good meeting with your pilot
leadership, and
feel there will be no problem moving forward."
That was the last we heard from Crandall. On Sunday I called
to report on the
trip and my brief conversation with Crandall. Joe then asked me
to meet
him in his office Monday around noon.
Monday 8:00 AM O'Gorman called to ask me to restate that which I
reported to him
the day before. I restated this and then asked what was up.
said he had been
unable to contact Crandall. He felt Crandall was refusing his
calls and
was not returning them either.
The American deal was dead. Fred Vogel, president of APA, later
informed me of a
meeting called by American upper management Sunday. He said the
feelings were this
would be the "announcement." Nothing happened and the meeting
broke up.
Speculation was that Lorenzo got to Crandall and reminded him of
a few
things. Things
possibly like "I won't play in your back yard if you don't play
mine." American had
announced big plans in the Denver market. No such plans exist
Continental, while
expanding into many back yards hasn't done so in American's two
new hub
If this speculation is true, you can bet it wasn't done on the
(ref: the conversation between Crandall and Braniff's Lawerence
caused a major
public uproar a few years prior).
Meanwhile, a lot of effort was put forth looking for Mr. "White
who happened to end up being PeoplExpress' Don Burr. Burr was
Monterey, California playing tennis with Jack Macatee a lawyer
Davis & Polk, a New York law firm who worked for Frontier in the
Macatee was lamenting on the fact that poor ole Frontier was
gobbled up by Lorenzo. They discussed this and by lunch time
Burr was
very interested. All this happened on the Wednesday following
Saturday plane ride with Crandall. On Thursday Joe O'Gorman and
Frontier Coalition lawyers went to Monterey to meet Burr. They
out a few basic points of agreement after which Burr asked to
meet the
leaders of the employee groups. The Employee Coalition
controlled a lot
of what would happen through our "Merger Agreement" developed in
ESOP program.
We met Don Burr and his following the Saturday following the
plane ride. 72
hours later we walked arm-in-arm into the Frontier Board of
meeting in New York and pulled the deal away from Lorenzo.
The employees had offered $19.00/share. Lorenzo offered
until 3:00AM the
morning of the Board meeting when he upped the offer to
The coalition was
waiting in the Davis & Polk office through the night and learned
had upped the
"ante." We approached Burr thinking he would end up in a
bidding war.
Interestingly, he decided to "go for broke" and offer $24.00 if
Frontier board would lock up the deal. The coalition agreed to
the board. We explained that if O'Neil and the board decided on
with Lorenzo we would go to war, but that if the board chose
proposal we employees would be willing participants.
The way the employees structured the deal was based on totally
democratic principles.
While there were ways for the union leaders to act with
autonomy, at
least in the case of the pilots, it was preferential to give the
employees the vote on these major issues. In fact I insisted on
approach throughout my tenure as MEC Chairman.
During the ratification process of what became known as the
17th Agreement,"
I was contacted by Frank Lorenzo.
My first conversation with Lorenzo was a secret telephone
held in our old
friend Hank Lund's office. Along with Hank, the Vice-Chairman,
Bader, and the
Executive Administrator, Bob Williams, and I had a lengthy
where Lorenzo
made us an offer considerably greater than Burr's. Lorenzo
asked for a
meeting in person. I explained to him that we would carefully
his proposal, but I needed to discuss this further with members
of my
MEC. Lorenzo offered his private home number and asked me to
call him
that evening. I agreed.
The MEC decided to keep all this very close to our chest as the
group would be
extremely agitated at even the idea of our talking with Lorenzo
at this
point in time. It was obviously of equal importance to analyze
options available.
We did agree to meet Lorenzo personally if he would be willing
to put
his proposal in
writing. He said he would give us a written proposal after we
My second conversation was equally cordial. Lorenzo was one to
confidence and
he bet me the PeoplExpress thing would not work. He bet me a
dinner. However,
Lorenzo was still unwilling to give me a written proposal prior
to any
meeting in person. I had expressed concerns as to the
issue. Lorenzo sounded agitated and remarked that he did not
"eat his
employees. "That he was a family man with four small children."
mentioned that there was a rumor that he ate his young. This
was the
one point in our conversation that caused the cordiality to dim
substantially. I then commented that if anything was to grow out
of our
conversation I proposed to shoot from the hip. That he did not
enjoy a
good rating in the industry with respect to dealings with
employees. I
further explained that I would move forward if it was in the
best interests of the Frontier Family. I would, however, not
personally without a proposal of his earlier guarantees in
There were several other calls from Lorenzo. One even to me
while in
session with the
Executive Board of Directors meeting with ALPA in Washington
just a day
or so before the
Peoples ratification was to be final.
With more of a business relationship than the former
adversary kind,
I informed both Burr and O'Gorman of Lorenzo's overture.
Burr went through the ceiling for a while on that. Burr wanted
to sick
the attorney's on Lorenzo but, cooler heads prevailed. O'Gorman
and I
talked him out of this course of
action. The employees ratified the October 17th agreement by a
high majority.
Less than a year later the PeoplExpress experiment proved a
failure. Burr was
to the point of irrational behavior. One executive decision
would be
followed by something totally different. Many many things were
happening which indicated our quest for "buying time" with
Peoples would
be short lived.
Burr announced in June of '86 that "all or part of PeoplExpress
would be
for sale." I
promptly reached Joe O'Gorman, now a Vice-President with United
for his help.
I felt comfortable calling O'Gorman as we had developed a
business relationship
while he was with Frontier. He was the one who authorized
myself and
the other coalition members to act on behalf of the company in
negotiations leading to the "October 17th Agreement." I had also
Roger Hall my counter part at United.
O'Gorman called to say he had set a secret meeting in Chicago.
It would
be the 25th of
June, 1986 when the head of the ALEA and AFA unions would, along
myself, meet
with O'Gorman and David Pringle, Vice President Human Resources,
United's hotel
near the Chicago airport. It was a cordial meeting lasting a
couple of
hours with all feeling positive as the meeting broke up. In
Pringle dropped the three of us off at United ALPA and AFA
in his own car. We then briefed our counterparts on the
There were a few subsequent telephone exchanges to let us know
were being
discussed. Then on the 9th of July Pringle called me to let me
there would be an
announcement the next day that United was buying Frontier from
Jump for Joy!
Soon the employee leadership, with the exception of the IAM who
separated from the
Coalition prior the Peoples deal, met with United's Pringle and
who would be
involved with labor negotiations. We felt we would be treated
such as the
PanAm/United deal a year earlier... Wrong!
It was evident United would only deal with the pilots first and
expect the other unions to follow suit. It was also obvious we
about learn some new dance steps a-la Pringle. Doug Bader,MEC
Chairman, Skip Taylor, MEC Secretary, and I flew to Seattle for
United pilots MEC meeting. I instructed the pilots Negotiating
Committee to begin the process in hopes our initial indication
was just
posturing on the part of Pringle.
Our initial fears proved justified as United clearly wanted the
pilots to negotiate a deal based on our then current wages and
then it
would be up to us to convince the United pilots to accept it.
essence, we were being asked to do something illegal. We were
asked to abrogate the United pilots contract.
At that time we felt fortunate as we had developed a great
with the United
pilots. Doug and I had several meetings with Roger Hall the
United MEC
Earlier, Roger had made some efforts to approach Ferris with the
hope he
would be
interested in acquiring Frontier. We had gone to point to
agree, in
principle, that a future merger would be on a straight
The next step was to put our respective MEC negotiating
together to work in
We had several meetings both jointly and severally. The United
many many times
promised, assured, and guaranteed the Frontier pilots that what
August 28th,
1986 could not, would not happen. But it did. Why?
Roger Hall was called on by members of the Frontier Coalition
re-confirmation of these promises. More than once the Coalition
traveled to Chicago for personal meetings with Hall and Pat
United AFA Chairperson. Each time we received the same answer
first espoused by Pat Austin..."We might dangle you, but we
won't let
you drop." Doug
Bader requested re-assurance on several occasions.
Randy Babbitt, Executive Administrator ALPA, worried that the
pilots were in Las
Vegas gambling with the Frontier pilots money. I asked what
were available. Of
course there were none, only the promise that in the end all
bets would
be covered by our United "brothers."
Meanwhile the two negotiating committees met on and off with
Pringle and
his team.
There was plenty of posturing and game playing, much to the
consternation of the Frontier folks. We asked Congressman Tim
(later a Senator from Colo) to intercede. Tim would come to our
many times and into the negotiations twice.
It was becoming apparent that United had structured a win-win
deal for
themselves and
a lose-lose deal for us. Ironically, United would end up losing
Frontier assets to
Continental. These Frontier Assets were acquired illegally by
UAL paid
PeopleExpress for specific FAL assets with People transferring
direct to United. Nothing ever flowed through Frontier. Even
ironic was the later Continental's argument, through its new
Frontier, showed United failed to bargain in good faith with the
Frontier employees.
With these concerns becoming more apparent the Frontier
expressed their position, as did I for the MEC, to the United
A few days prior to the FAL bankruptcy I requested ALPA
president, Hank
presence in Chicago. Duffy rearranged his schedule and met with
and myself for a
complete briefing at which time I reiterated my concerns. I
intimated I
had been left
dangling out a 40 story building. That I was hanging by a couple
finger nails, but that Roger Hall and the UAL ALPA negotiating
assured me they would not let me
drop. I explained that, although I had locked arms with the UAL
MEC up
to this point, I
now disagreed with Hall's view. That unless the United pilots
agreed to
take United up on their last offer we could well be sacrificed.
We Frontier folks should feel confident the United pilots would
not let
us down. After all we among their strongest supporters during
the 1985
29 day strike. Probably, we were their strongest allies.
Duffy turned to Hall and asked him for his assessment, which
Hall agreed
was as I had
described. Hall went on to reiterate his position, that he and
the MEC
knew this
management and that they would be there to pull me to safety at
"right time." That we might have to suffer going through a shut
down of
operations and possibly a bankruptcy, but that last call from
(then president of UAL) would come or Hall would make that last
himself. Believe me, if I didn't have an ulcer by then it
wasn't for
the lack of trying.
This meeting occurred hours before the shut down. The shuttle
negotiations having failed, not for lack of effort by Tim Wirth
and his
aid Phil Clapp, brought the next crisis.
Burr threatened that unless the pilots struck a deal he was
going to put
Frontier into
Chapter 11. Again, I requested Duffy's presence. Again, Duffy
responded and met with
Hall and myself for a lengthy briefing on our situation.
Duffy asked me to assess things from my perspective. I painted
picture of having been hanging by finger nails since he left our
meeting. Only now I was certain Hall and the UAL MEC would
renege on
the promises, assurances, and guarantees made to the Frontier
family and
I had better try to work my way to safety. I went on to say I
worked my way up to the roof-top, but the building was a blazing
and I would burn to death or jump. If I jumped the only thing
could save me would be someone with a net. I turned to Roger
Hall and
looked him square in the eye and asked, "are you going to be
there with
that net, Roger?" Roger did not hesitate and said he would
definitely be
In ALPA's defense, Duffy could have done little with the way the
Pilots Association is structured with MEC autonomy. Certainly,
Roger Halls continued reassurances ALPA national could do little
than pressure the UAL MEC.
The following day, one year ago today, August 28th, 1986 the UAL
listened to my
appeal, turned their brotherly backs, and have ignored the
plight of the
Frontier family to this day.
Certainly, there were concerned UAL individuals expressing their
dismay. They, along
with the rest of us found it hard to believe their management
would be
so stupid as to toss the golden nugget, they perceived Frontier
to be,
to the likes of Francisco Lorenzo.
What then is UAL ALPA's guilt. They simply failed to judge
managements motives
and misjudged their business acumen. For by throwing away
biggest assets, the employees, (as UAL V.P. Monte Lazerus cited
in a
bald faced lie to the Denver City
Council) they ended up the big loser by losing the material
goods as
well. They actually catapulted Lorenzo into 1st place,
controlling well
over 22% of the U.S. domestic market share.
What a long plane ride home. Instead of being met by a lynch
mob, I was
greeted like a
conquering hero. How enigmatic!
Yet the devastation felt by the Frontier family can only be
by folks like ONA, Braniff, Transamerica, Transtar, Eastern,
Midway and
the others sickened by the effects of incompetent management.
With the blood of the Frontier employees oozing onto the United
ramp there was
only one option available.
I still had a phone number given me a year earlier. I placed a
call to
Mr. Lorenzo. The call was placed just prior to the annual Labor
Parade in Denver. Ironically, the Frontier unions marching that
day won
1st place. The only real win since before Al Feldman left to
Lorenzo was not in, but returned my call a couple of days later.
a cordial positive visit. I confirmed the fact I owed him a
dinner for the casual bet made regarding the outcome of the PEX
with FAL. I allowed that our position had changed and I was not
attempting to try posturing. But, if we could work a "fair and
equitable" arrangement for the Frontier employees it would mean
a public
relations coup of the century for Continental. I further agreed
the strike was over, that he had won, that it was time to put
all that
behind us and together fight the real enemy. Dick Ferris and
Lorenzo stated he felt good about our conversation and that the
Captains should
keep their seats if something was to work out. I stated that
earlier letter sent to Burr threatening dire consequences if he
consider a merger with Lorenzo be ignored. I wanted to see all
of our
pilots receive a fair and equitable integration.
While Lorenzo made no further commitments he left me with a
sense of
Amazing, here I was asking the very man, I had joined to fight
ever owning
Frontier, for a job and to buy him dinner. Steak, no less.
Shortly, we were involved with the Prince of Darkness, John
Adams, Vice
Human Resources, Continental Airlines in negotiations for what
was to
become the "Job
Preservation and Litigation Agreement." In roughly 4 weeks
night and day efforts we produced a very complicated document
that was
described by Adams in meetings with the Frontier employees as
"fair and
equitable." If the FAL employees would be willing to waive
bankruptcy claims against Frontier and PeoplExpress along with
Continental and ALPA they would be guaranteed a job. The pilots
"keep their seats." "Captains would be Captains - First
Officers would
be First Officers." Of course an arbitrator would decide the
seniority integration if the two pilot groups were unwilling or
to resolve their positions.
In dealing with Adams we saw a tough, but fair minded man. We
saw a man
who had a
reputation for dealing through omission rather than out-and-out
While deceptive
practices with Lorenzo's operation was common knowledge, we felt
while Adams was
trying to stack the deck in favor of the "scabs," we would get a
shake. While rumors that Judges had been bought, a Arbitrator
would not
act improperly especially if we used the strike method of
choosing one.
Wrong, again!
We were amazed with the speed the Lorenzo machine moved in
achieving the
through employee ratification. Then dismayed at how they would
their feet in
implementing the small things of relative low cost already
agreed to.
Yet, many of these
things were important to the individuals involved.
It would take pages to outline the shabby operation former
people were now
experiencing. Frontier, even in her toughest time, did a much
job servicing the
customer, maintaining equipment and walking tall. Where
aircraft flew 12 hours
daily, Continental was utilizing them half that. Naturally that
Frontier junior Captains fly as First Officers. Maybe an
would consider this in future arbitration proceedings.
In any event Continental did well through the idiocy of Ferris
and his
nefarious bunch.
They acquired all the assets United gleaned from Frontier except
couple MD-80 delivery
slots already disposed of.
However, Continental, in their desire to protect the CAL strike
blew what would
have been a tremendous public relations coup.
On October 2nd, 1986 the pilots in attendance at the meeting
the plus' and
minus' of the JPA unanimously directed me to sign that
Following the initial
ratification 492 pilots out of 558 former Frontier pilots
elected to fly
for Continental.
One year later...less than 390 former FAL pilots are on the
seniority list. When can aviation history show such an exodus.
in the 30's with E.L. Cord's operation. Maybe today with the
exodus at
Actually, there are several of the aforementioned 390 who are on
medical leave of
absence. Therefore the probable number of FAL pilots flying for
Continental would be
less. One more glaring example is in the perception that
existed just
following our being blasted out of existence by United. There
would be
hardly a FAL employee who did not blame all of ALPA for the sins
of UAL
However, with the "promotion" of ALPA or any union by Lorenzo in
meager efforts to
offer moldy carrots to the CAL pilots, many are reassessing
earlier views as of
August 28, 1986.
What exists in the way of hope for the Frontier Family? There
is some
hope, albeit limited, that there will be some if not total
re-arbitration of what has to be a totally unfair and
dishonest" award. Other avenues of legal review are apparently
pursued as well.
The indomitable spirit of the former employees of the safest
airline in
the world wide
history of civil aviation will never die. Her people have blown
to the
four winds, but they remain together in spirit, personal
contact, and in
a brotherhood as right as right itself and as lasting as
We had a few "warts and pimples," but we could match our pride
professionalism with
the best of 'em. As Congress evaluates the down side of
and the lack of
LPP's and other inalienable rights of the very people who made
sacrifices creating
company's such as Frontier, you can bet they will refuse to
their mistakes.
We were raped and murdered by United and further sodomized by
Air. If we get
into the court room our proof of these facts will finally bring
Frontier family some
monetary relief for the horrible damages caused by the callous
acts of
United Airlines and Texas Air.
Yet, as a profession we are as doomed as the Dinosaurs were...
we individually,
and collectively resolve to abandon the cannibalism so prevalent
in our
society today.
No reflection on great airlines like Hawaiian, Southwest and
West, but based on
the most stringent measure of take-offs and landings Frontier
holds the
safest record in
the world wide history of civil aviation. Frontier flew from
coast to
coast, from Canada
through Mexico, in and out of mountain valleys day and night in
worst of weather with mostly older aircraft and poor
navigational aids,
safely. Billions of miles carrying millions of passengers,
Frontier lost a single revenue passenger killed when an old DC-3
lost a
battle to low level icing on approach into Miles City, Montana
over 23
years ago.
Ryland was fired by the O'Neils when we went to complain about
destruction Ryland was doing to our airline. We objected to the
fact he
ignored the airline and concentrated on monumental blunders like
catalog company, DFW training facility, and, of course, our then
nemesis, Frontier Horizon. Jerry O'neil agreed and canned
Then, discovering Frontier was worth more dead than alive, he
hired Hank
Lund to liquidate our airline. To Hank's credit, he sided with
employees and was replaced by O'Gorman. O'Gorman looked bad to
us at
first, but then he got in step with the employee buyout.
However, ol'
Joe could not get along with Don Burr at Peoples Express and
left for
United. Larry Martin was a nice guy, but incompetent.
Later when Burr announced he was willing to sell all, or part,
Peoples Express, I called O'Gorman (by then back at United as a
VP). I
asked Joe if he thought UAL might want to pick up FAL in light
of Burr's
announcement. Quickly, O'Gorman called back and invited the
out for a hush-hush visit. Remember, the employees had bought a
contractual right to have a strong voice in the Frontier
matters by virtue of the October 17th Agreement with Peoples
Myself, Carolyn Boller, and Lorraine Loflin went to Chicago.
was off on their own by then and the TWU rep couldn't go. So
the three
of us went and met with O'Gorman and David Pringle (UAL HR). It
was a
satisfying meeting after which they personally drove us over the
the UAL
pilots and F/A's MEC offices. That meeting went well too. So
we all
crossed our fingers. That was on June 26th, 1986.
On July 9th, I received a call from Pringle who told me the next
day UAL
would announce they had purchased Frontier!. This was a high
point in
my life! On July 10th, UAL, in fact, did announce the purchase
Frontier. We employee leaders were asked to meet with UAL
representatives at the FAL board room that Saturday.
From a fantastic high on the 9th, I went to one of my lowest
Pringle showed up in very casual attire along with his horse
equally casually attired at our appointed Saturday meeting.
We were all dressed up in our finery expecting to hear good
things about
the UAL/FAL merger. This is when we were shocked into the
reality that
Buzz Larkin was , perhaps, right all along..."All roads lead to
Pringle announced that he was unwilling to discuss anything with
any of
the groups represented there except the pilots and that if UAL
an agreement with the Frontier pilots, he would then speak to
the other
In essence he was asking the Frontier pilots to abrogate the UAL
contract! Simply put, he wanted to use us to beat up on the
pilots as pay back for the strike in 1985!
Well, the rest is history albeit a sad commentary for business
and the fact that Frontier never had a moments disruption to its
schedule in its 40 years due to labor unrest. Go figure!