BUTCH HENRY Several people have asked for an informal get together for all of the class members who can attend some time this summer. Martha and I have picked the date of June 18th for a meeting at Western Sizzling here in Malvern. This is on a Saturday at 6:00 PM. We would like for you to put it on the class web page and face book for us. This is an informal meeting, just a get together to eat and fellowship. Spouses are invited also. -Frances Fite (6/8/11) We will be on vacation that week--doing much better with my arthritis. Thanks for asking us. -Butch Henry (6/8/11) I see in today's obits the passing of classmate Butch Henry. Someone in the Little Rock area may have details. -Charles Gibbs (2/28/13) Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 11:40 AM 11:40 AM Message starred FROM Facebook TO 1 recipient New message from Martha Chadwick Lindvall Hide Details From Facebook To Bill Lamkins I was just working on the Memorial Page for our 51st reunion and noticed that Andrew (Butch) Henry is missing from the list of alumni class deaths. Only two years away from the next reunion. Thought I would update all that I know in case I don't last that long. lol You do such a great job in keeping us all informed. All I have to do is put all of your hard work into powerpoint...tks!!!! -Martha Chadwick Lindvall (3/10/13) Thanks for the reminder. I had Butch Henry on the backburner but will move him to the front. I hope you meant the 55th reunion or else my sense of time has become even worse that I realized. Stay well, getting old ain't for sissies. -Bill Lamkins (3/10/13) Lol. Yes, I am glad u can read between the lines. -Martha Chadwick Lindvall (3/10/13) Posted at Facebook and the Malvern 1960 Club: Butch Henry's memorial webpage has been posted at http://Malvern1960.tripod.com/Memorial.html Post your remembrances of Butch. -Bill Lamkins (3/11/13)